Confirmation of reaction products Confirmation of molecular formula (exact mass measurement) Quantitation of small molecules Nominal mass and accurate mass measurements (<10ppm) Structural elucidation (MS/MS) Analysis of synthetic compounds, polymers and biomolecules
Large and small peptide analysis/characterization/quantitation Protein-protein interaction & protein complex analysis Post-translational modification mapping – both global and specific PTM analysis; qualitative and quantitative Intact protein mass measurement up to 140 kDa Targeted Proteomics Protein identification from in-gel digests
In-gel digestion to extract peptides for Gel-LC-MS/MS In solution digestions (a range of proteolytic enzyme digestions catered to project needs) Enrichment of Post-Translational Modifications (catered to project needs) Peptide quantification ( fluorometric peptide assays) Sample Clean-up (Solid phase extraction) Protein Precipitations (many to choose from depending on your sample composition) Protein Electrophoresis - SDS PAGE
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According to your requirements, please select and download one of the forms provided below, ensure all the required information is filled out accurately, and then submit the completed form to the laboratory together with your sample.